Hazel Seen

Email: me{at}hazelseen.com | Address: Pakenham, Victoria


Graduating Bachelor of Information Technology student with experience in support and development. Has skills in problem-solving, communicating with clients and task-prioritisation, alongside creating technical solutions, servicing computers and programming in languages such as Python, Javascript and C#.

Hobbies include activities from playing games and rock climbing with friends, to typesetting books and maintaining a small home web server and NAS. Previously employed in team environments and with experience organising projects, looking to adapt to a new position and use teamwork to solve problems.


Bachelor of Information Technology
Deakin University
Certificate IV in Information Technology
Chisholm Institute
Certificate II and partial III of Information, Digital Media and Technology
Hallam Secondary College
Victorian Certificate of Education
Mountain District Christian School


December 2023–
June 2024
Developer and Technical Support Intern
Febuary 2020–
Febuary 2022
Service Desk Technician
Junction City, Scoresby
July 2017–
May 2019
Library Assistant (part-time)
Casey-Cardinia Library Corporation, Emerald

Community Volunteer Work

February 2020
Farm Work
Local Bushfire Relief Effort, Cockatoo
March 2019–
September 2019
Radio Host
Yarra Valley FM, Woori Yallock

Referees and Academic Transcript

Available upon request.